Orchid Plants | My Personal Connection


There is no denying that Orchid plants are unique and beautiful.  I love the hanging stem of purple flower blooms.  In July of 2014 I learned a deeper meaning behind the Orchid plants that I’m sure not many others are aware of.

In July of 2014 my husband was diagnosed with Testicular Cancer. Within a week of discovery he underwent an Orchiectomy surgery to remove the cancer.  Interesting name for the surgery, right?

In 1845 the Orchid plant was introduced, getting it’s name from the Latin word “orchis”, derived from the Greek word “orkis”.  Orkis literally means “testicle”.  The Orchid plant received it’s name due it it’s root’s similar appearance to the testicle. (1)

With this link in names it only makes sense that the “official color” of testicular cancer awareness is orchid purple. Just like breast cancer is connected with the pink ribbon, testicular cancer is symbolized through the orchid purple ribbon.

After learning of these connections since my husband’s diagnosis, I have since bought an orchid plant to grow on our kitchen counter.  Not only is it beautiful to look at, but it also reminds me of how grateful we are that my husband has now been cancer free since July 2014.  There are so many others out there going through their own battles, or just finding out that they have cancer and I am reminded to think of them and send positive thoughts because we know first-hand just how scary and hard the journey is.

So next time you are out looking for a new plant to purchase, consider an orchid plant in honor of those going through testicular cancer.

If you need any resources regarding this type of cancer, the following websites have been helpful, but with any major medical issue, our Oncologist has been our first line of assistance.

If I can inspire one person to either self-check, our encourage a man in their life to check, then my goal is met.

(1) Source: Online Etymology Dictionary

Our orchid is in a beautiful tall vase


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8 thoughts on “Orchid Plants | My Personal Connection

  1. Wow! I’ve always heard orchids are so hard to maintain. Whether this is true or not, I’m always impressed when I see someone cultivating them. Now, knowing the story behind yours, I will appreciate them even more. What a signature reminder how special life is. Thanks for sharing this!

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  2. What an interesting information! My husband is a retired urologist and used to do orchidectomies/orchiectomies and yet this is the first time I have heard of the connection to an orchid. I love orchids. I have a a lot of them in the corner by the pool and I never water them and yet they thrive and always have flowers blooming. I am so glad your hubby’s cancer free. Hope it stays that way…..Christine


  3. I’ve always loved orchids, although I haven’t had one for awhile. So glad to hear about your husband and I think this is a great way to spread awareness. I had a family member with testicular cancer, too. Thanks for bringing this by Throwback Thursday!


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